[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 5e4554: Assign translatable names to WC/Soulless variation...

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Tue Dec 23 01:00:13 UTC 2014

  Branch: refs/heads/1.12
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 5e4554f333d8b068f8f973a2567fbe848c8d53c4
  Author: Ignacio R. Morelle <shadowm at wesnoth.org>
  Date:   2014-12-22 (Mon, 22 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog
    M data/core/units/undead/Corpse_Soulless.cfg
    M data/core/units/undead/Corpse_Walking.cfg
    M players_changelog

  Log Message:
  Assign translatable names to WC/Soulless variations (bug #22902)

Backported from master, commit bf75c9d062e0c19b0a4fdc20c43e6b3958591522.

As I said on IRC, whether unit type variations use variation_id or
variation_name to define the variation id is wholly immaterial for
syncing purposes because serialized singular units:

 1) Do not include [variation] definitions nowadays;
 2) Have a single variation=<id> attribute, where the source for the id
    of variations is determined internally during initialization.

One situation that could result in collateral OOS errors is
[store_unit_type]/wesnoth.unit_types retrieving different information
for 1.12.0 and 1.12.1 game clients running the same WML/Lua script. I
suspect this should be relatively rare and it's possible to guard
against synchronization issues by checking for both variation_id and
variation_name for WC/Soulless variations and picking one accordingly.

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