[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 97d5d1: fixup camel case names UnitPtr, UnitConstPtr

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Sun Jun 29 15:56:54 UTC 2014

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 97d5d14e274976b4e662df79e4158e24ae137fbc
  Author: Chris Beck <render787 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-06-29 (Sun, 29 Jun 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M src/actions/create.cpp
    M src/actions/create.hpp
    M src/actions/undo.cpp
    M src/actions/undo.hpp
    M src/ai/actions.cpp
    M src/ai/actions.hpp
    M src/ai/composite/engine_lua.cpp
    M src/ai/contexts.cpp
    M src/ai/contexts.hpp
    M src/ai/default/ai.cpp
    M src/ai/default/attack.cpp
    M src/ai/formula/ai.cpp
    M src/ai/lua/core.cpp
    M src/ai/recruitment/recruitment.cpp
    M src/carryover.cpp
    M src/dialogs.cpp
    M src/dialogs.hpp
    M src/fake_unit_ptr.hpp
    M src/game_board.cpp
    M src/game_board.hpp
    M src/game_events/action_wml.cpp
    M src/game_preferences.cpp
    M src/menu_events.cpp
    M src/mouse_events.cpp
    M src/recall_list_manager.cpp
    M src/recall_list_manager.hpp
    M src/scripting/lua.cpp
    M src/scripting/lua_api.cpp
    M src/scripting/lua_api.hpp
    M src/side_filter.cpp
    M src/teambuilder.hpp
    M src/tests/test_unit_map.cpp
    M src/tests/test_whiteboard_side_actions.cpp
    M src/unit_animation.cpp
    M src/unit_animation.hpp
    M src/unit_display.cpp
    M src/unit_display.hpp
    M src/unit_map.cpp
    M src/unit_map.hpp
    M src/unit_ptr.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/action.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/action.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/highlighter.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/highlighter.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/manager.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/mapbuilder.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/move.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/move.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/recall.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/recall.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/recruit.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/recruit.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/side_actions.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/suppose_dead.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/suppose_dead.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/utility.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/utility.hpp

  Log Message:
  fixup camel case names UnitPtr, UnitConstPtr

This commit created using sed, in directory src/:

$ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/UnitPtr/unit_ptr/g' {} +
$ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/UnitConstPtr/unit_const_ptr/g' {} +

and inspecting the results.

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