[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] c5bec3: Change the ordering of the CMakeLists so options c...
noreply at github.com
Tue Sep 15 08:48:04 UTC 2015
Branch: refs/heads/sdl2
Home: https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
Commit: c5bec31dae90f8f0daf3c1b84a5d23aab1a8ab50
Author: Andreas Löf <andreas at alternating.net>
Date: 2015-09-09 (Wed, 09 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M CMakeLists.txt
Log Message:
Change the ordering of the CMakeLists so options comes first.
This changes the ordering of the compile time options so the options
comes before any before any flags or checks that may depend on them.
Commit: 203411d0428a3015e1a3f900634045c319750dc8
Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
A data/core/images/portraits/monsters/transparent/yeti.png
M data/core/units/monsters/Yeti.cfg
Log Message:
New generic portrait for Yeti by LordBob
Commit: 1c8bf80634cd76586af8c4e6cd03d3960aa3807b
Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
R data/core/images/portraits/woses/ancient-wose.png
M data/core/images/portraits/woses/transparent/ancient-wose.png
A data/core/images/portraits/woses/transparent/wose.png
A data/core/images/portraits/woses/wose.png
M data/core/units/wose/Ancient.cfg
M data/core/units/wose/Elder.cfg
M data/core/units/wose/Wose.cfg
Log Message:
Added new generic portrait for Ancient Wose by LordBob
The previous Wose portrait has now been repossessed for the Wose specifically,
and also used for the Elder Wose. This new portrait is used for the Ancient Wose
Commit: 8b1f3c856cc61cc59b32f12d0cee6c2da8d6ac4c
Author: gfgtdf <f492343 at rmqkr.net>
Date: 2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/game_state.cpp
M src/game_state.hpp
M src/play_controller.cpp
M src/play_controller.hpp
M src/playmp_controller.cpp
M src/playsingle_controller.cpp
Log Message:
move undo_stack to gamestate class
the undo stack must be part of the gamestate becasue it is used for the
delayed shroud updates.
Commit: ca0bf513aa740237e502c2a2f167bdc92c7918a6
Author: gfgtdf <f492343 at rmqkr.net>
Date: 2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/unit.cpp
Log Message:
fix a segfault when loading a savegame.
Commit: 20a2a17f880d3b9976cc29303f85018d03da5f40
Author: gfgtdf <f492343 at rmqkr.net>
Date: 2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/replay.cpp
M src/replay.hpp
Log Message:
fix chat during mp replays
previously it could casue OOS when chatting during an mp replay because
the replay_pos in other savegames could become wrong (becasue the chat
mesage might be inseted before the replay position of those snapshots)
Commit: 276a79ab3b91391ac3d1e02fb69aa0fe5bfb4424
Author: gfgtdf <f492343 at rmqkr.net>
Date: 2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/replay.cpp
M src/replay.hpp
Log Message:
remove unused function
Commit: 445ceb119fe7991a3ae0e43486cfb3751fbdd8fc
Author: gfgtdf <f492343 at rmqkr.net>
Date: 2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/playsingle_controller.cpp
Log Message:
add a comment
Commit: 757cde164b73a43b34091c2656b66cbbab0e57a0
Author: gfgtdf <f492343 at rmqkr.net>
Date: 2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/play_controller.cpp
Log Message:
fix mp failing to load scenarios
previously the scenario's id was lost when reloading a scenario.
Commit: f01252a42c25adce12fe8fee9de82e3b669fa71c
Author: gfgtdf <f492343 at rmqkr.net>
Date: 2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/lua/wml-tags.lua
M src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp
Log Message:
add [unsynced] actionwml
This can be used like in the following example (note that without the
[unsynced] it would cause OOS becasue rand= might or might not be
variable = "side"
side = "$side_number"
name = "side.controller"
equals = "human"
name = "num"
rand = _ "two,four,seven"
message = _ "I want $num stones"
Commit: 6010455f563f4b16bb89f2df6893908a36251cdc
Author: gfgtdf <f492343 at rmqkr.net>
Date: 2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/actions/undo_action.cpp
M src/actions/undo_action.hpp
M src/actions/undo_dismiss_action.cpp
M src/actions/undo_move_action.cpp
M src/actions/undo_recall_action.cpp
M src/actions/undo_recruit_action.cpp
M src/game_events/action_wml.cpp
M src/synced_context.cpp
M src/synced_context.hpp
Log Message:
add [on_undo]/[on_redo] actionwml
[on_undo]/[on_redo] contains tags that are executed when undoing the
current actions.
Commit: fada491e564d66a13377a14d928cecdb5c7cbd3e
Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/help/help.cpp
Log Message:
Increased width of help browser
Commit: 268973e8afcb3541a7c7204db82acfc9f32e4cc5
Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg
Log Message:
NR S5.1: split final lines of dialog into a death event
Commit: f9927cb6035c3a76d5a0e6aa0fc23e0eae210476
Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/maps/07a_Settling_Disputes.map
M data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg
Log Message:
NR S7a: new map
Commit: ca66e1f1fcc4efbbaab79ce364365cddf214a167
Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg
Log Message:
NR S5.1: replaced Malifor's spawn mechanic with force CTH on anyone by Morvin and Thera
This scenario is long enough without running after Malifor half a dozen times.
This also indirectly fixes bug #23667
Commit: e46070ab303b8392d2554039f76caffdfab4b25b
Author: Wedge009 <wedge009 at wedge009.net>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/editor/map/context_manager.cpp
Log Message:
Resolve Bug #20036
When a map is generated, the labels for the player starting locations are correctly set. However, generating another map (or even loading a map and then generating a new one) results in the old labels remaining even after the new map has been generated and displayed.
Issue appears to be that the reset labels flag is not being set after a map generation. This change sets the reset labels flag and the subsequent perform_refresh() function then includes a reset of the map labels.
Commit: 870053c0eccb76dd9bac31edaf52cfcf860433ce
Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-13 (Sun, 13 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/editor/map/context_manager.cpp
Log Message:
Merge pull request #490 from Wedge009/Bug_Fix_20036
Resolve Bug #20036
Commit: ef559d0ffd769c3e706fe64f1aede44b8ec0aa03
Author: Elvish_Hunter <elvish.hunter2010 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/tools/GUI.pyw
Log Message:
GUI.pyw: allow binding tooltips to tagged elements of widgets
Commit: 1d2944569c25a64a161bd2b5633fd052cb7bc710
Author: Elvish_Hunter <elvish.hunter2010 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/tools/wmllint-1.4
Log Message:
wmllint-1.4: open files as UTF-8 and use Unicode literals
Commit: 91f5bf16c2f3d96167d5ad1f5dbd7e67dd2caa9c
Author: Elvish_Hunter <elvish.hunter2010 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/tools/wmllint-1.4
Log Message:
wmllint-1.4: use Python 3 range()
That's the function known in Python 2 as xrange().
Commit: a12d99e98cfbe407cf1a9f27388775bbe7c08f45
Author: Elvish_Hunter <elvish.hunter2010 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/tools/wmllint-1.4
Log Message:
wmllint-1.4: use 'x in line' instead of 'line.count(x)'
Commit: b8dfa190f2ecd87196173589d55509f3002a958a
Author: Elvish_Hunter <elvish.hunter2010 at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-09-12 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M data/tools/wmllint-1.4
Log Message:
wmllint-1.4: replaced a dict(map()) with dict comprehension
Commit: 2d03c0b08d21ee8b1bbbc9bfa7b219b1860b881d
Author: Andreas <andreas at alternating.net>
Date: 2015-09-13 (Sun, 13 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M CMakeLists.txt
Log Message:
Merge pull request #486 from aginor/cmakereorder
Change the ordering of the CMakeLists so options comes first.
Commit: 8a86b547cee3ff9d08754fe2577d4e3dd40ae686
Author: Andreas Löf <andreas at alternating.net>
Date: 2015-09-15 (Tue, 15 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M CMakeLists.txt
M data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/maps/07a_Settling_Disputes.map
M data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg
M data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg
A data/core/images/portraits/monsters/transparent/yeti.png
R data/core/images/portraits/woses/ancient-wose.png
M data/core/images/portraits/woses/transparent/ancient-wose.png
A data/core/images/portraits/woses/transparent/wose.png
A data/core/images/portraits/woses/wose.png
M data/core/units/monsters/Yeti.cfg
M data/core/units/wose/Ancient.cfg
M data/core/units/wose/Elder.cfg
M data/core/units/wose/Wose.cfg
M data/lua/wml-tags.lua
M data/tools/GUI.pyw
M data/tools/wmllint-1.4
M src/actions/undo_action.cpp
M src/actions/undo_action.hpp
M src/actions/undo_dismiss_action.cpp
M src/actions/undo_move_action.cpp
M src/actions/undo_recall_action.cpp
M src/actions/undo_recruit_action.cpp
M src/editor/map/context_manager.cpp
M src/game_events/action_wml.cpp
M src/game_state.cpp
M src/game_state.hpp
M src/help/help.cpp
M src/play_controller.cpp
M src/play_controller.hpp
M src/playmp_controller.cpp
M src/playsingle_controller.cpp
M src/replay.cpp
M src/replay.hpp
M src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp
M src/synced_context.cpp
M src/synced_context.hpp
M src/unit.cpp
Log Message:
Merge branch 'master' into sdl2
Commit: e8c3e99dadf6ade3b57819bc0c65b7ef4c03a076
Author: Andreas Löf <andreas at alternating.net>
Date: 2015-09-15 (Tue, 15 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M CMakeLists.txt
M SConstruct
Log Message:
Make SDL2 the default in cmake and scons
This changes the default settings in the cmake and scons to make all
targets be compiled with SDL2 as opposed to SDL1.
Commit: d894c8e5e60015a88e8dfc767527b33cf25867a8
Author: Wedge009 <wedge009 at wedge009.net>
Date: 2015-09-15 (Tue, 15 Sep 2015)
Changed paths:
M src/sdl/alpha.cpp
Log Message:
Correct Surface Alpha Blending in SDL2
alpha.cpp was apparently written as a compatibility wrapper for SDL2, as SDL_SetAlpha() has been replaced with other functions in SDL2. As it currently stands, it neglects to set the alpha blend mode which is now required when in SDL2.
A quick check of the code indicates that in most places where SDL_SetAlpha() is called, the alpha parameter is only set as SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE, or the flag input parameter does not include SDL_SRCALPHA. So in either case there is no alpha blending anyway and so this omission didn't make a difference anyway.
However, alpha blending *is* used in fill_rect_alpha of rect.cpp. This is most noticeable in dialogues with sorted lists, such as the hot-key bindings in the preferences, where the background colour of the headings turns opaque white instead of the alpha-blended grey that it is in an SDL1.2 build. There is at least one graphical blending issue resolved with this change as well - it's possible others may be included with this.
Commit: 6bde4e89e91177aa44966f7e00206d8209b4f3b3
Author: Andreas Löf <andreas at alternating.net>
Date: 2015-09-15 (Tue, 15 Sep 2015)
Log Message:
Merge branch 'sdl2' of github.com:wesnoth/wesnoth into sdl2
Compare: https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/compare/13dd8d40fb37...6bde4e89e911
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