[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] c6f262: MP Create Game: fixed crash when switching to game...

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Sun Nov 6 00:16:39 UTC 2016

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: c6f262a9fd46a04cfeba72d7c0dad9a0934e88c5
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2016-11-06 (Sun, 06 Nov 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp

  Log Message:
  MP Create Game: fixed crash when switching to game category with invalid games

This manifested itself when switching to User Maps when the only available map had invalid (campaign-specific)
tiles. Normally, the entry would be removed from the available game types if empty, but the check that does that
only checks for a presence of a game, not validity. This caused a crash in on_filter_change, most likely because
there were no games to apply a filter to.

For now, this fixes the crash. I'll have to add some functionality to prevent starting a game in this or other
situations (such as if the filters filter out all games), since one can still enter a game on that "invalid"
map, or the last selected game if a filter returns 0.

This also means that were one to select a category with a single invalid game, try to start a game, and re-enter
the dialog later, the screen would essentially be blank, as no info would be available to show. I'll have to fix
this post-1.13.6.

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