[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 59581f: SDL/Window: throw exception if render-to-texture i...

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Wed Jul 5 12:15:55 UTC 2017

  Branch: refs/heads/accelerated_rendering
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 59581fe478c4df64e107c66e8ec9cde697fa9ba6
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2017-07-05 (Wed, 05 Jul 2017)

  Changed paths:
    M src/sdl/window.cpp

  Log Message:
  SDL/Window: throw exception if render-to-texture is not enabled

NOTE: for some reason, if I remove the `SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE` flag from sdl::window's ctor
render_flags argument, this assertion still doesn't throw. Not sure if that means by GPU supports
it by default, or what.

  Commit: e8b948beea34ae4dd145bd07e57739eebb772e73
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2017-07-05 (Wed, 05 Jul 2017)

  Changed paths:
    M src/actions/advancement.cpp
    M src/actions/attack.cpp
    M src/actions/create.cpp
    M src/actions/move.cpp
    M src/actions/undo_recall_action.cpp
    M src/actions/undo_recruit_action.cpp
    M src/actions/unit_creator.cpp
    M src/actions/vision.cpp
    M src/arrow.cpp
    M src/arrow.hpp
    M src/display.cpp
    M src/display.hpp
    M src/editor/action/mouse/mouse_action_item.cpp
    M src/editor/action/mouse/mouse_action_unit.cpp
    M src/editor/controller/editor_controller.cpp
    M src/editor/editor_display.cpp
    M src/editor/map/context_manager.cpp
    M src/fake_unit_manager.cpp
    M src/floating_textbox.cpp
    M src/game_display.cpp
    M src/game_display.hpp
    M src/gui/dialogs/editor/custom_tod.cpp
    M src/menu_events.cpp
    M src/play_controller.cpp
    M src/playsingle_controller.cpp
    M src/replay_controller.cpp
    M src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp
    M src/synced_commands.cpp
    M src/units/animation.cpp
    M src/units/udisplay.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/attack.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/attack.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/manager.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/move.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/recall.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/recall.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/recruit.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/recruit.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/side_actions.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/suppose_dead.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/suppose_dead.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/utility.cpp

  Log Message:
  Display: removed all the invalidated locations code

This removes all the code related to invalidating locations, any functions used to set, modify, or propagate
location invalidation, and several functions that no longer serve any purpose anymore since their only purpose
was to handle invalidated locations.

  Commit: 070e1ca4f617f545b3b5dcfc21685170ad73d504
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2017-07-05 (Wed, 05 Jul 2017)

  Changed paths:
    M src/actions/move.cpp
    M src/display.cpp
    M src/units/animation.cpp
    M src/units/animation.hpp
    M src/units/animation_component.cpp
    M src/units/animation_component.hpp
    M src/whiteboard/manager.cpp

  Log Message:
  Removed animation invalidation code

This no longer actually does anything now that location invalidation is removed. If you follow the code
animation_component::invalidate called unit_animation::invalidate which was responsible for generating
the overlaped_hex_ set. Previously, this is what locations were invalidated. Now it didn't do anything.

  Commit: 8372f97e502e50c9bf8b78bf254e2980577f0234
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2017-07-05 (Wed, 05 Jul 2017)

  Changed paths:
    M src/actions/attack.cpp
    M src/actions/vision.cpp
    M src/display.cpp
    M src/display.hpp
    M src/editor/controller/editor_controller.cpp
    M src/editor/map/context_manager.cpp
    M src/gui/dialogs/editor/custom_tod.cpp
    M src/play_controller.cpp
    M src/replay_controller.cpp
    M src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp
    M src/units/udisplay.cpp

  Log Message:
  Display: removed old drawing code and external draw calls

Compare: https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/compare/60d326f42605...8372f97e502e

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