[wesnoth-commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 29e346: LoW S14 Objectives, reinforcements, edit repetitiv...

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Sat Mar 17 18:53:26 UTC 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 29e3468b91400678a99a8bd25136b0f2578da4e1
  Author: stevecotton <steve at octalot.co.uk>
  Date:   2018-03-17 (Sat, 17 Mar 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M data/campaigns/Legend_of_Wesmere/scenarios/chapter4/14_Human_Alliance.cfg

  Log Message:
  LoW S14 Objectives, reinforcements, edit repetitive dialog (ok for string freeze) (#2585)

Objectives: note that the death of Galtrid is a losing condition

Reinforcements: In multiplayer, Landar's L3 troops that join on turn 9
now join his side, instead of trying to join side 13 (and ending up on
Kalenz' side).

Dialog: the following conversation happened on both turn 1 and turn 9.
Having 6 repeated messages in a row gave a strong sense of deja vu,
and I thought that a bug had repeated an event. This commit cuts the

* Elf: "Kalenz! We come to fight beside you!"
* Kalenz: "Where is the rest of the elvish army? ...
* Elf: "The Great Council has decided it was too risky ...
* Landar: "That is well! If the Ka’lian is too fearful or blind ...
* Cleodil: "It is not well that we have become so divided as this."
* Kalenz: "No, it is not. But ...

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