[wesnoth-commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 293add: GUI2/Size Lock: ensure formula sizes are recalcula...

GitHub noreply at github.com
Sat May 5 01:32:34 UTC 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/1.14
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 293add85a1c8dbe0e53e4731cfb4e728c330ebfc
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.md
    M src/gui/widgets/size_lock.cpp
    M src/gui/widgets/size_lock.hpp

  Log Message:
  GUI2/Size Lock: ensure formula sizes are recalculated as necessary.

This is similar to the change made for spacers in da5f00c2b671b79fcec8c36aa5316e1c7663a355.
It also fixes an issue with the MP Lobby chat box (and other such widgets that use formulas
for their fixed dimensions) where it would stay too small after a window resize (the chat
box formulas in all three dialogs it appears in are a percentage of window height).

  Commit: f495feef62a7066b6af4ba4b32d8ff868da53239
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.md
    M data/gui/window/mp_create_game.cfg

  Log Message:
  MP Create Game: cap custom game names at 50 characters

[ci skip]

  Commit: faa44232ff9d27278af069b76c39c1b308ec9552
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.md

  Log Message:
  Added some changelog entries for UtBS

[ci skip]

  Commit: 09c5c4acca40a177478ac613d0dca91e9656edb3
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.md
    M data/gui/window/lobby_main.cfg
    M src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp
    M src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp

  Log Message:
  MP Lobby: restored Era info to main game display

Includes some slight spacing tweaks.

  Commit: f150170148b39c13324ed5bf115fc55460eb8bb4
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp

  Log Message:
  MP Lobby: added status text for full games

  Commit: c86e0e30f3a1127ed1c69689799b51b6d9f7896e
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M data/gui/window/lobby_main.cfg

  Log Message:
  MP Lobby: shifted game info icon to the left

[ci skip]

  Commit: e3eca499ca19708ee3675e44f543a6f75f977466
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M data/gui/window/lobby_main.cfg

  Log Message:
  MP Lobby: decreased size of scenario/era name label

[ci skip]

Will slightly mitigate the issue of it potentially getting too long...

  Commit: 3cff24b6f4622ad29b32ac4fd214d69d9cded247
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp

  Log Message:
  MP Lobby: fixed every single user name being bold

If everyone's registered... no one is. :P

  Commit: 88a3489d28b5158ea745cb5a98ffa25fce34e851
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-05 (Sat, 05 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.md
    M data/gui/window/lobby_main.cfg

  Log Message:
  MP Lobby: base resolution selection on window width not height

[ci skip]

Height isn't the problem. The default lobby can display fine even at 600 px h. Width is
the problem the default layout faces at low resolutions, and it was quite odd to have a
really wide window use the low resolution layout, despite there obviously being enough
horizontal space to fit the sidebar.

Compare: https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/compare/ac44c9101aa7...88a3489d28b5
      **NOTE:** This service been marked for deprecation: https://developer.github.com/changes/2018-04-25-github-services-deprecation/

      Functionality will be removed from GitHub.com on January 31st, 2019.

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