[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 61bca9: revert PR 98

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Thu Aug 28 18:33:45 UTC 2014

  Branch: refs/heads/1.12
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 61bca90f6f7513f7554b5fc9994d8a23e30616ae
  Author: Chris Beck <render787 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-08-27 (Wed, 27 Aug 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M src/game_end_exceptions.cpp
    M src/game_end_exceptions.hpp
    M src/game_events/action_wml.cpp
    M src/playcampaign.cpp

  Log Message:
  revert PR 98

This commit removes the "carryover_wml" feature which was added
just before 1.12 was branched off.

I added this feature at a time when I didn't have as good an
understanding as I do now of the networked mp code, I now believe
that it was poorly concieved and should not be implemented this
way if at all. There are better ways to achieve what was meant to
be achieved here, we are better off to remove it as it currently

  Commit: a7fd8afae78d5a10f9792b5ecf5ee9ef338bac02
  Author: Chris Beck <beck.ct at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-08-28 (Thu, 28 Aug 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M src/game_end_exceptions.cpp
    M src/game_end_exceptions.hpp
    M src/game_events/action_wml.cpp
    M src/playcampaign.cpp

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #243 from cbeck88/remove_carryover_wml_1.12

revert PR 98: rebased, tested and now merged

Compare: https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/compare/81390b1b6cae...a7fd8afae78d

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