[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 5d347b: Added a "Draw Number of Bitmaps" option to the edi...

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Wed Oct 5 15:22:11 UTC 2016

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 5d347bb61be2b00fca7e44f9ca18c6236bb4093c
  Author: ln-zookeeper <lari.nieminen at iki.fi>
  Date:   2016-10-05 (Wed, 05 Oct 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog
    M data/themes/editor.cfg
    A images/icons/action/editor-draw-num-of-bitmaps_25-active.png
    A images/icons/action/editor-draw-num-of-bitmaps_25-pressed.png
    A images/icons/action/editor-draw-num-of-bitmaps_25.png
    A images/icons/action/editor-draw-num-of-bitmaps_30-active.png
    A images/icons/action/editor-draw-num-of-bitmaps_30-pressed.png
    A images/icons/action/editor-draw-num-of-bitmaps_30.png
    M src/display.cpp
    M src/display.hpp
    M src/editor/controller/editor_controller.cpp
    M src/editor/editor_preferences.cpp
    M src/editor/editor_preferences.hpp
    M src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp
    M src/hotkey/hotkey_command.hpp
    M src/menu_events.cpp

  Log Message:
  Added a "Draw Number of Bitmaps" option to the editor

This is similar to "Draw Hex Coordinates" and "Draw Terrain Codes", and displays the number of terrain graphics surfaces draw for each hex. It is useful for spotting mistakes such as overlay images having non-transparent pixels in adjacent hexes where they shouldn't, or for comparing the efficiency of different kinds of terrain graphics rules.

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