[wesnoth-i18n] String updates for 1.14.3

Iris Morelle shadowm2006 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 08:14:34 UTC 2018


Sorry for the late notice, but there was a pot update on the 1.14 last Sunday 
in preparation for the 1.14.3 release next Sunday (00:01 UTC). As always, 
please try to send them in at least one day in advance so Ivanovic has the 
chance to see and merge your updates.

The new or changed strings include:

 * The "Deterministic mode" option was renamed to "Save random seed".
 * The new --all-translation and --translations-over switches were added to
   the game's manpage.
 * The --log-<level> option in the game's manpage has some extra language to 
   clarify its behaviour.
 * New Goblins race description.
 * Disambiguation prefixes (i.e. "foo^actual text here") for a few strings
   (remember to not include the prefixes in your translations).
 * A couple of minor clean-ups.

  Iris Morelle <shadowm/shikadiqueen>

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