[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 160a46: Use strcmp instead of strcoll
noreply at github.com
Tue Oct 18 01:58:15 UTC 2016
Branch: refs/heads/master
Home: https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
Commit: 160a4611d6ad5f2853e1a7590a6241eceb0cdfbd
Author: GregoryLundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M projectfiles/VC12/liblua.vcxproj
M projectfiles/VC12/liblua.vcxproj.filters
M src/CMakeLists.txt
M src/lua/SConscript
M src/lua/lvm.cpp
A src/wesnoth_lua_config.h
A src/wesnoth_lua_config.md
Log Message:
Use strcmp instead of strcoll
This works for Visual Studio, CMake and SCons.
Still need to get it working on: CodeBlocks and Xcode
Commit: f88c3b22b86647c0ac472db9c3dd6fd46857f9a4
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/ldo.cpp
M src/wesnoth_lua_config.h
Log Message:
Refactor lua_jailbreak_exception
Revert the changes to the stock Lua source code and move them into the Wesnoth-specific header.
Commit: b8244b0694fc2d64c0a3c6e6dc6f63dacfa18a72
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/lauxlib.h
M src/scripting/application_lua_kernel.cpp
M src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp
M src/scripting/lua_map_location_ops.cpp
M src/scripting/lua_unit.cpp
Log Message:
Correct the calls instead
Do not change the released Lua source code. Lua is written as standard C, but we compile it as C++ so we can use exceptions. Change the call sites to avoid the warnings about using a C cast instead of static_cast<int>().
NB: The changes to Wesnoth C++ code will be required to upgrade to Lua 5.3, anyway.
This reverts:
commit cee3ab208401a439e15004b79b4fa5c5bf9a9e5a
Author: Mark de Wever <koraq at xs4all.nl>
Date: Sun Feb 5 19:55:32 2012 +0000
Fix compiler warnings.
Commit: f00357d7db184dcb4c699349ede0989104224215
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/lapi.cpp
Log Message:
Revert change
Rather than change the source, if the proplem still exists, use a compiler flag to suppress the messages.
This reverts the commit
commit 12a7a5a1e0fee21e0c88042c6b3c7be1c73f30e3
Author: Mark de Wever <koraq at xs4all.nl>
Date: Sun Oct 6 17:35:11 2013 +0200
Remove unused const variables.
The issue was detected by the upcomming Clang 3.4.
Commit: 8e7b28cde24190a514fbcdb84ed73175b0c7fbc7
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/luaconf.h
M src/scripting/application_lua_kernel.cpp
M src/scripting/lua_kernel_base.cpp
M src/wesnoth_lua_config.h
Log Message:
Move local changes to proper place
luaconf.h provides a place for us to make changes, avoiding the need to change the original definitions. Move everything down there. This encompases the following changes:
1) Disable compatibility with old versions of Lua in the C++. Compatability is maintained only for the Lua runtime. Only one correction was needed: in application_lua_kernel.cpp
2) Change how the backpointer is defined, for forward compatability with Lua 5.3. This effected only one line: in lua_kernel_base.cpp. Using the Lua 5.3 macro caused a GCC warning, suppressed it for that line.
3) Certain Windows-only features are no longer available in the Lua runtime. These features are all in the Lua io module, which we don't allow access to, so this is a non-change for the runtime.
4) Lua will behave as if it is a standard C environment. This, again, mainly effects the Windows environment and features we don't allow access to in the runtime.
Commit: 841d17af31008a03c7ce68b4aa9df303920967c4
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/lapi.cpp
M src/lua/lapi.h
M src/lua/lauxlib.cpp
M src/lua/lauxlib.h
M src/lua/lbaselib.cpp
M src/lua/lbitlib.cpp
M src/lua/lcode.cpp
M src/lua/lcode.h
M src/lua/lcorolib.cpp
M src/lua/lctype.cpp
M src/lua/lctype.h
M src/lua/ldblib.cpp
M src/lua/ldebug.cpp
M src/lua/ldebug.h
M src/lua/ldo.cpp
M src/lua/ldo.h
M src/lua/ldump.cpp
M src/lua/lfunc.cpp
M src/lua/lfunc.h
M src/lua/lgc.cpp
M src/lua/lgc.h
M src/lua/linit.cpp
M src/lua/liolib.cpp
M src/lua/llex.cpp
M src/lua/llex.h
M src/lua/llimits.h
M src/lua/lmathlib.cpp
M src/lua/lmem.cpp
M src/lua/lmem.h
M src/lua/loadlib.cpp
M src/lua/lobject.cpp
M src/lua/lobject.h
M src/lua/lopcodes.cpp
M src/lua/lopcodes.h
M src/lua/loslib.cpp
M src/lua/lparser.cpp
M src/lua/lparser.h
A src/lua/lprefix.h
M src/lua/lstate.cpp
M src/lua/lstate.h
M src/lua/lstring.cpp
M src/lua/lstring.h
M src/lua/lstrlib.cpp
M src/lua/ltable.cpp
M src/lua/ltable.h
M src/lua/ltablib.cpp
M src/lua/ltm.cpp
M src/lua/ltm.h
R src/lua/lua.cpp
M src/lua/lua.h
R src/lua/luac.cpp
M src/lua/luaconf.h
M src/lua/lualib.h
M src/lua/lundump.cpp
M src/lua/lundump.h
A src/lua/lutf8lib.cpp
M src/lua/lvm.cpp
M src/lua/lvm.h
M src/lua/lzio.cpp
M src/lua/lzio.h
Log Message:
Replace Lua 5.2.3 with Lua 5.3.3
Commit: 475c31b10e3fa97273058db22e21c4514efeab38
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/wesnoth_lua_config.h
Log Message:
Enable Lua 5.1 and 5.2 compatability
Commit: 90d48e3725717a0823d4ed1fa6b6499bdaf3c016
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/lobject.cpp
M src/lua/lstrlib.cpp
Log Message:
-Wpermissive reports two errors
Reported upstream.
Commit: 63be2a0d2eac5406e0310b60b0a382ebc1f0f756
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/lparser.cpp
Log Message:
Apply Lua.org patch
Expression list with four or more expressions in a 'for' loop can crash the interpreter.
reported by Marco Schöpl on 17 Jun 2016. existed since 5.2.
-- the next loop will probably crash the interpreter
repeat until load "for _ in _,_,_,_ do local function _() end"
Commit: ca883fe7bfae2ef10798672d5bf9398a4032c036
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/loslib.cpp
Log Message:
Apply Lua.org patch
Checking a format for os.date may read pass the format string.
reported by Nagaev Boris on 10 Jul 2016. existed since 5.3.3.
This bug does not seem to happen with regular compilers. It needs an "interceptor" 'memcmp' function that continues reading memory after a difference is found.
Commit: 82661505d12e592e5bfb5f5168ea9320772bb665
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/lua/lcode.cpp
Log Message:
Apply Lua.org patch
Lua can generate wrong code in functions with too many constants.
reported by Marco Schöpl on 17 Jul 2016. existed since 5.3.3.
See http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2016-07/msg00303.html.
Commit: 0c13f7ea20169318aa844a13f6ec36d0f65e551e
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M projectfiles/VC12/liblua.vcxproj
M projectfiles/VC12/liblua.vcxproj.filters
M src/CMakeLists.txt
M src/lua/SConscript
Log Message:
Update project files
Update for Visual Studio, CMake and SCons.
Commit: fb82f6a2596c5256967dcd95e989c2021ad654f3
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/scripting/lua_kernel_base.cpp
Log Message:
Add Lua utf8 library
Safe for scripting. Let the users have it.
Commit: 3f22ff8adf260a47707628adea434d753e0c9220
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M changelog
Log Message:
Commit: 757ffc9e448fd63d3dd5e8f50cdc329d9b6d867b
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
R src/lua/README
Log Message:
README is ancient
Commit: f97436b96e8765ca080726b0151c4f79292032ff
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
Log Message:
Commit: ecdfb81d78b55d1d447691106531c164a896de26
Author: GregoryLundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/ai/lua/lua_object.hpp
Log Message:
Use static cast
The lua_toint macro was deprecated for Lua 5.3.3; originally, Wesnoth changed the macro to use a static_cast<int>.
After upgrading to the lua_tointeger function, add the static_cast<int> at each call site to suppress warnings about possible loss of precision due to defining LUA_INTEGER as long long.
Commit: 8839a5ee8e12572fa4adceb5aa5e54150f61a818
Author: GregoryLundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/scripting/lua_kernel_base.cpp
Log Message:
Only on gcc
Use #if guard to prevent gcc pragma being seen elsewhere.
Commit: a90ef4a1cb896ab2695934dfdaadd52b0c5700bc
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/CMakeLists.txt
M src/SConscript
R src/tests/test_lua.cpp
Log Message:
Fix Travis
test/test_lua no longer applies
All it did was check rounding coming from Lua matched the expected values.
You can no long obtain an integer value from a Lua NUMBER (float), unless that float value has no fractional part and is in the range of valid integers. To obtain a rounded value, instead, use luaL_checknumber to obtain the float value and round it as needed (with a cast, floor or ceil, usually) in your program.
Commit: fc6774289e783c43d8189a21a0d197d2da47b982
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M data/ai/lua/ai_helper.lua
M data/ai/micro_ais/cas/ca_fast_attack_utils.lua
M data/lua/wml/random_placement.lua
Log Message:
Upgrade deprecated Lua
loadstring was removed, load does the same thing.
atan2 was remvoed, atan works instead
Commit: ccc7d730f7d0f4ba8fcfceab9e0e0ca7600f5b18
Author: Gregory A Lundberg <gregory_lundberg at gmx.com>
Date: 2016-10-17 (Mon, 17 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M src/wesnoth_lua_config.md
Log Message:
Wrote Markdown instructions
Documented the basic process used to install Lua 5.3.3
Commit: e8a499fcec0701687426cfb6bfca7a33536e968f
Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
Date: 2016-10-18 (Tue, 18 Oct 2016)
Changed paths:
M changelog
M data/ai/lua/ai_helper.lua
M data/ai/micro_ais/cas/ca_fast_attack_utils.lua
M data/lua/wml/random_placement.lua
M projectfiles/VC12/liblua.vcxproj
M projectfiles/VC12/liblua.vcxproj.filters
M src/CMakeLists.txt
M src/SConscript
M src/ai/lua/lua_object.hpp
R src/lua/README
M src/lua/SConscript
M src/lua/lapi.cpp
M src/lua/lapi.h
M src/lua/lauxlib.cpp
M src/lua/lauxlib.h
M src/lua/lbaselib.cpp
M src/lua/lbitlib.cpp
M src/lua/lcode.cpp
M src/lua/lcode.h
M src/lua/lcorolib.cpp
M src/lua/lctype.cpp
M src/lua/lctype.h
M src/lua/ldblib.cpp
M src/lua/ldebug.cpp
M src/lua/ldebug.h
M src/lua/ldo.cpp
M src/lua/ldo.h
M src/lua/ldump.cpp
M src/lua/lfunc.cpp
M src/lua/lfunc.h
M src/lua/lgc.cpp
M src/lua/lgc.h
M src/lua/linit.cpp
M src/lua/liolib.cpp
M src/lua/llex.cpp
M src/lua/llex.h
M src/lua/llimits.h
M src/lua/lmathlib.cpp
M src/lua/lmem.cpp
M src/lua/lmem.h
M src/lua/loadlib.cpp
M src/lua/lobject.cpp
M src/lua/lobject.h
M src/lua/lopcodes.cpp
M src/lua/lopcodes.h
M src/lua/loslib.cpp
M src/lua/lparser.cpp
M src/lua/lparser.h
A src/lua/lprefix.h
M src/lua/lstate.cpp
M src/lua/lstate.h
M src/lua/lstring.cpp
M src/lua/lstring.h
M src/lua/lstrlib.cpp
M src/lua/ltable.cpp
M src/lua/ltable.h
M src/lua/ltablib.cpp
M src/lua/ltm.cpp
M src/lua/ltm.h
R src/lua/lua.cpp
M src/lua/lua.h
R src/lua/luac.cpp
M src/lua/luaconf.h
M src/lua/lualib.h
M src/lua/lundump.cpp
M src/lua/lundump.h
A src/lua/lutf8lib.cpp
M src/lua/lvm.cpp
M src/lua/lvm.h
M src/lua/lzio.cpp
M src/lua/lzio.h
M src/scripting/application_lua_kernel.cpp
M src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp
M src/scripting/lua_kernel_base.cpp
M src/scripting/lua_map_location_ops.cpp
M src/scripting/lua_unit.cpp
R src/tests/test_lua.cpp
A src/wesnoth_lua_config.h
A src/wesnoth_lua_config.md
Log Message:
Merge pull request #822 from GregoryLundberg/GL_Upgrade_Lua
Upgrade to Lua 5.3.3+
Compare: https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/compare/1bed30c8c3ca...e8a499fcec07
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