[wesnoth-commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 1e04fa: Tutorial S1: prevent getting stuck next to Delfado...

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Sun Jul 15 14:23:40 UTC 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/1.14
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 1e04fa60da99eecd7d83e8e49760681b3d2aeaaf
  Author: Andras Szell <szell.andris at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-07-15 (Sun, 15 Jul 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M data/campaigns/tutorial/scenarios/01_Tutorial_part_1.cfg

  Log Message:
  Tutorial S1: prevent getting stuck next to Delfador, unable to end turn

Fixes #1584 1c - Delfador summons the puppet, you have 0 MP left but the
           puppet is not adjacent to you, and can't attack or undo

Changed Delfador's initial position to match the quintain's, and made him
step away to summon in the original place next to us, so we don't need to
move again to attack after we reach him.
The movement points of the mage are now updated and he gained quick trait
to fit for the more movements he does.
Final movement also touched, so he does not seem to sidestep the new
enemies when leaving the map.

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      Functionality will be removed from GitHub.com on January 31st, 2019.

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