[wesnoth-commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 894796: Tutorial S1: followup previous commits

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Sun Jul 15 14:27:18 UTC 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/1.14
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 894796a91c378a17a33565cd4d1fe92ea034a92d
  Author: Severin Glöckner <severin.gloeckner at stud.htwk-leipzig.de>
  Date:   2018-07-15 (Sun, 15 Jul 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M data/campaigns/tutorial/scenarios/01_Tutorial_part_1.cfg
    M data/campaigns/tutorial/utils/utils.cfg

  Log Message:
  Tutorial S1: followup previous commits

- Removed need for quick trait by spawning quantain next to Delfador
- Disabled movement point tracking due to #3344
- Use only one [label] tag to place both labels
- Removed id's of later quintains, as they are not used
- added some whitespaces

[ci skip]

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      Functionality will be removed from GitHub.com on January 31st, 2019.

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