[wesnoth-commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] 8d3f54: [remove_sound_source] now accepts a comma-separate...

GitHub noreply at github.com
Tue May 22 03:55:46 UTC 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: 8d3f54ce7c4647a97efb8ddb8b598d5a1af0f815
  Author: Charles Dang <exodia339 at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-22 (Tue, 22 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.md
    M data/lua/wml-tags.lua

  Log Message:
  [remove_sound_source] now accepts a comma-separated ID list

[ci skip]

Lack of this pointed out by @shikadiqueen.
This change will also throw an error if id= is missing. Not sure if it did so before.

      **NOTE:** This service been marked for deprecation: https://developer.github.com/changes/2018-04-25-github-services-deprecation/

      Functionality will be removed from GitHub.com on January 31st, 2019.

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