[wesnoth-i18n] tutorial translation - issues

Antonio Rosella arosella at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 22 15:17:22 UTC 2018

Il 16/06/2018 13:37, András Széll ha scritto:
> Hi all,
Ciao András
> 1.
> The question is about the Wesnoth map. There lies the "Heart 
> Mountains", visible e.g. in the The Sceptre of Fire map. My assuption 
> based on 1.10 Hungarian translation and on French/Italian translation 
> of the Steam page is that it is "Central" mountains and not heart as 
> an organ pumping blood. Is that right?

For the italian translation, it is correct: we choosed the 
interpretation of "Heart" as "Central", "Main", "Principal", inspired by 
the French real world https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massif_central

> And now that I touched the issue of maps, I saw the 
> https://wiki.wesnoth.org/ImageLocalization 
> <https://wiki.wesnoth.org/ImageLocalization> and the 
> https://wiki.wesnoth.org/MapLocalization 
> <https://wiki.wesnoth.org/MapLocalization>
> Based on that I should create an image similar to e.g. 
> data/campaigns/Sceptre_of_Fire/images/maps/l10n/de/sof--overlay.png 
> with Hungarian overlay texts using Gimp - if I'm wrong please tell me.
> One note here is the Sceptre of Fire is missing from the list in 
> ImageLocalization.

It is not missing... check https://wiki.wesnoth.org/MapLocalization , 
section 5, "Duplicate map"... at the bottom... ;)
Well... the good news are that now you have also the translated map of 
"The Hammer of Thursagan"...

> 4.
> Shortest path to the end of the tutorial...
> I started off with Konrad wandering around and ending below Delfador 
> with my movement points depleted. They started talking to each other, 
> only Delfador wanted me to attack the quintain, but I could not move 
> next to it with my 0 MP. So I wanted to end my turn, but the system 
> prevents it there. Then I tried to undo my movements but because of 
> their conversation it was not possible either.
> So I had to exit to main menu and start it over. :)

I experimented something like this, in an intermediate relase. It was 
fixed by:
1) Some fix in the wesnoth code;
2) update of my SDL2 library ( xubuntu Linux )

> (Otherwise we had a great deal of fun playing two campaings already, 
> so these are definitely not complaints.)
> Thanks & best regards,
>    Andris

You are welcome!


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