[wesnoth-i18n] A Reminder Regarding Wesnoth Translation Hints

Wedge009 wedge009 at wedge009.net
Tue Aug 27 02:11:23 UTC 2019

Greetings, Wesnoth translators.

After a spot of translation clean-up, the devs would like to remind you 
- for those who don't already know - not to include the translation 
hints in your translations. These hints are the 'hint^source' notation 
you may sometimes see in the source text. On a few rare occasions you 
may see a 'do not translate' hint - obviously the requirement is not to 
translate the part indicated by such hints: for example, 'do not 
translate the 'all'^[all|<command>]' means you should only translate the 
command part such that the translated string should read 
'[all|<commande>]' (using French as an example).

Reference: See the 'Prefs section^General' example under the 
GettextForTranslators FAQ 

Regards, and thanks for your time and effort.

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