[wesnoth-i18n] Winds of Fate translations

pentarctagon at tutamail.com pentarctagon at tutamail.com
Tue Apr 19 02:47:23 UTC 2022

Thanks for bringing this up.

Creating the pot file was missed when the campaign was added. The missing files will be added in https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/pull/6630.

Morogor_Dialect.txt and Past_and_Future_Drake_History_(Spoilers).txt are fine to use as a reference, but any sort of lore in them is unofficial until its added to the text of the campaign itself.
Just to be clear though, the master branch is not meant to be translated until it's string frozen prior to 1.18.0 being released.

Apr 18, 2022, 12:54 by arosella at yahoo.com:

> Hi there!
> In order to start to look inside a first approach to the translation of the "new> " Winds of Fate campaign in 1.17 branch> , I look for the .po files, but I can't find them, both on website and git source: they will be available... sometime ?
> As side question: > Morogor_Dialect.txt>  and > Past_and_Future_Drake_History_(Spoilers).txt>  from data/campaigns/Winds_of_Fate/Story directory could/should be involved in the translation process? 
> The first file seems to be more relevant to a translator and/or someone interested in develop a Drake campaign, the second could interest also a curious player, or maybe it could become part of the general manual.
> Ciao
> Antonio
> -- Antonio Rosella | arosella(at)yahoo(punto)com

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