[Commits] [wesnoth/wesnoth] af7333: Fix a bunch of MSVC2015 compiler warnings about hi...

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Wed Oct 5 21:12:21 UTC 2016

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth
  Commit: af733360a81405505673687b935a637ddedae861
  Author: Jyrki Vesterinen <sandgtx at gmail.com>
  Date:   2016-10-06 (Thu, 06 Oct 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M src/addon/info.cpp
    M src/addon/manager_ui.cpp
    M src/ai/contexts.cpp
    M src/ai/default/ca.cpp
    M src/ai/default/ca_move_to_targets.cpp
    M src/ai/default/recruitment.cpp
    M src/ai/formula/candidates.cpp
    M src/ai/manager.cpp
    M src/color_range.cpp
    M src/config.cpp
    M src/config_cache.cpp
    M src/editor/controller/editor_controller.cpp
    M src/editor/palette/terrain_palettes.cpp
    M src/events.cpp
    M src/floating_label.cpp
    M src/font.cpp
    M src/formula/formula.cpp
    M src/game_events/action_wml.cpp
    M src/game_events/conditional_wml.cpp
    M src/game_events/pump.cpp
    M src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp
    M src/game_initialization/multiplayer_lobby.cpp
    M src/game_preferences.cpp
    M src/generators/default_map_generator_job.cpp
    M src/gui/core/canvas.cpp
    M src/gui/core/event/handler.cpp
    M src/gui/core/timer.cpp
    M src/gui/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cpp
    M src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_options_helper.cpp
    M src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp
    M src/gui/widgets/control.cpp
    M src/gui/widgets/control.hpp
    M src/gui/widgets/generator.cpp
    M src/gui/widgets/password_box.cpp
    M src/gui/widgets/scrollbar_panel.cpp
    M src/gui/widgets/text_box.cpp
    M src/gui/widgets/tree_view_node.cpp
    M src/gui/widgets/window.cpp
    M src/halo.cpp
    M src/help/help.cpp
    M src/help/help_impl.cpp
    M src/help/help_impl.hpp
    M src/help/help_menu.cpp
    M src/hotkey/command_executor.cpp
    M src/map/location.hpp
    M src/map/map.cpp
    M src/minimap.cpp
    M src/mouse_events.cpp
    M src/mouse_handler_base.cpp
    M src/pathfind/pathfind.cpp
    M src/pathfind/teleport.cpp
    M src/persist_context.cpp
    M src/playsingle_controller.cpp
    M src/playsingle_controller.hpp
    M src/replay.cpp
    M src/reports.cpp
    M src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp
    M src/sdl/utils.cpp
    M src/serialization/string_utils.cpp
    M src/soundsource.cpp
    M src/terrain/builder.cpp
    M src/terrain/terrain.cpp
    M src/units/filter.cpp
    M src/units/udisplay.cpp
    M src/units/unit.cpp
    M src/utils/context_free_grammar_generator.cpp
    M src/variable.cpp
    M src/whiteboard/mapbuilder.cpp
    M src/widgets/menu.cpp

  Log Message:
  Fix a bunch of MSVC2015 compiler warnings about hiding declarations

This commit still doesn't fix all of them. I decided to leave alone
cases where variables with the same name are assigned in multiple
conditions of the same if...else if...else statement, and cases where a
scope logging macro is used multiple times in the same scope. In any
case, this commit greatly reduces the warning count on MSVC2015 and makes
new warnings much easier to spot.

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